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Original Creation

Deer in a blizzard

Voy Kay 27 Mar 2020

Few things to do during a lockdown but to read, watch television or .... make a painting! My choice fell on a painting I spotted last month on the internet and that really caught my attention due to the severe circumstances a deer can ran into when a sudden blizzard comes up.
Few colors were used for this (Phtalo blue, phtalo green, Titanium white and black gesso) and it was completed in a little over one hour. A canvasboard (8"x12") was used and that showed since some of the liquid clear went too strong onto the cardboard.
This was just for filling up time, not to paint a showcase but hope you will like it anyway.

Featured Article How to paint animal silhouettes.


From Africa to cold winter scene!
Amazing jump and amazing color and scene!
Very well done! the deer is magnificent! I see it is bigger than animals in the other paintings. I think it is next step towards animal portrait!

Felix Creator of

The fog in front of the buck is a fantastic effect! Great stuff!

As if the deer is alive. I feel like it's about to start
great work!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Hahaha, Sunnylady, indeed, from the equator to the arctic circle!
The animal is indeed realy tall and that was needed to fill the painting somewhat. Few things in there but two surprised birds and some grass. I am working on several bigger animals, just waiting for shops to open again to get some more canvasboards.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you for your cheers, Felix!
I was wondering yesterday at dinner if I added enough fog (drifting snow/ treibender Schnee) but I hesitated to add more since the animal is so well done and did not want to cover it up too much.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Dear Jin, you noticed well, I deliberately chose this pose to put some action in it while it was not in motion. The poor animal hardly knows what happening and is hesitant to run from the storm. Yet it is attentive and trusts its senses to make a decision where to hide. It's not in panic but, as you mentioned, ready to start to run!
Thx for your visit!!

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